TG11 Memorial Fund

The Association has begun the process of raising funds to design, create, install and maintain a permanent memorial to members of the RAF Trade Group 11 (Ground Signalling) who gave their lives in times of conflict.

Although in its early stages, the estimated cost for this project is £20,000, as large oaks from little acorns grow, every penny you can donate is most gratefully received.

Please use the PayPal link below to give a donation, you do not need a PayPal account as the link will accept card payments without an account. The link is securely encrypted for your peace of mind.

Thank you

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The Proposed Memorial

Designing a permanent memorial takes time and consideration, but the basis of the design is shown in the graphics below. This is, of course, open to change as the sculptor considers what is possible or not.

The text on the reverse has been agreed, and will state;

The Royal Air Force (RAF) Wireless Operator badge has a rich history, dating back to its initial authorization on September 18, 1918.
This badge was the first trade badge to be officially recognized by the RAF.
Originally, it featured red worsted embroidery and was worn by signallers to signify their role and authority to communicate directly with officers, bypassing the usual chain of command.
The design was later updated to a fist clutching six lightning bolts, embroidered in light blue on a dark blue or black background.
It became known as the ‘Sparks’ badge. This symbolized the operator’s proficiency in handling wireless communications, teleprinters and telephony.















At this stage, we need to concentrate on the shape of the design, we can sort out inscriptions later.  The one with the Bronze Fist & Sparks would be set on top of blue granite material instead of concrete.   We continue to welcome any further design options and ask for your proposals not to be too elaborate, as we have set a draft budget of £10K for the actual memorial, plus up to £10K for the Arboretum fees  Should we exceed the £20K, then we can upgrade the design accordingly.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira